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Senior Citizens: Here’s Why We Need to Consider Taking Non-Emergency Medical Transportation


Are you a senior citizen, who still takes your car out on the road? Be extremely careful if you do so. Research has shown that senior adults are more prone to experiencing a car crash, especially at an intersection, than a teenager who is only learning to drive.  And if you are over 75, then chances increase even more. Studies also show that 13% of all traffic fatalities involve seniors.

So why is driving riskier for you? Because as we grow old, our reaction time decreases, which can endanger us when we are behind the wheel.

Your Reaction Time Slows Down

If your reaction times aren’t quick, then you are going to be in big trouble when the car in front of you suddenly brakes. Thus, it is a lot safer for you and other people if you don’t drive. It does mean losing your independence, but there are many transportation services specially designed for senior people like you.

Your Eyesight Weakens

As you age, your visual acuity, depth perception, and peripheral vision decline. Moreover, your eyes take more time to adjust to light levels. Thus, you may not be able to cope with the bright sun or glare from other cars.

Your Mobility Is Restricted

Do your muscles often ache? The stiffness and the restricted mobility might make it hard for you to direct your car. You’ll have trouble steering and breaking the car, which puts everyone at risk.

You May Have To Pass a Mandatory Test

Certain US states have enforced driving tests for elderly people. You may have to take this test if you are involved in three car accidents in 12 months. The test not only gauges your driving skills but also analyzes your reaction times.

If you are looking for a reliable non-emergency medical transportation service in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area, contact our team to schedule your reservation with us today!

Have you heard about our partner company, Integrity Home Care Agency? Along with our Basic Life Support (BLS) Ambulance Service and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) fleet, Integrity Home Care is a proud and established name serving seniors and those with mobility challenges throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex area and surrounding regions.

If you or your loved one requires home care services and you reside outside the Metroplex area, please contact us to inquire about possibilities for special arrangements.