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Immune-Boosting Foods that Fight Back this Cold and Flu Season

Cold and flu season is in full swing which means lots of runny noses, germy surfaces, and infections going around. While the past two years have seen lower cold and flu numbers than before due to masks, this year numbers are expected to rise again as a result of mask requirements going away. We all know to wash our hands, get our vaccines, and wear masks when in highly populated areas to reduce the risk of getting sick. Did you know that there are many foods out there that can actually boost your immune system?  If you’re doing everything you can to prevent getting sick and you’re looking for something extra, immune boosting foods are the way to go this cold and flu season.


While this article touches on foods that work to boost your immune system naturally to help fight off and prevent the cold and flu, it is important to note that they have not been proven to do anything in regard to COVID-19. To prevent COVID-19, the best course of action is to get vaccinated, wear your mask, disinfect, and wash your hands, social distance, and avoid highly populated areas.

It is also important to note that this article is not to be taken as medical advice. If you have any health issues or concerns, it is important to consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet. These foods can be used in conjunction with regular healthcare to promote natural immunity but should not be used as an alternative to medicine.


Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Eating fresh foods are a great way to boost your immune system and keep it operating at peak performance through the cold months.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the top immune-boosting foods:

  • Water

Are you surprised to see water on this list? One of the best ways to boost your immune system and prevent illness is to stay hydrated. Your body is primarily made of water, and water work hard to carry immune system cells through the body. No matter what you eat, if you don’t drink enough water than your body won’t be able to carry the nutrients where they need to go.

  • Elderberry

Elderberry is one of the most notorious foods used for its immune-boosting properties. Elderberry syrup flies off the shelf this time of year. Elderberry is packed full of antioxidants which can help fight inflammation. There have even been studies conducted that prove that these berries can block flu viruses, though more research may need to be done to prove a solid hypothesis.

  • Citrus Fruits

Have you ever been told to drink a glass of orange juice when you’re not feeling well? It’s probably because of the Vitamin C. Vitamin C is found in high amounts in almost every citrus fruit. Vitamin C works hard to increase white blood cells in the body. These cells then work to fight off infections.

  • Red Bell Peppers

Did you know that red bell peppers actually have three times more Vitamin C in them than a Florida orange? In addition, they also contain beta carotene, which converts to Vitamin A and is an anti-inflammatory that helps your body’s natural antibodies respond to viruses and toxins.

  • Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the best vegetables that you can choose to eat. It is loaded with vitamins like vitamin A, C, and E. It also consists of plenty of antioxidants and fiber, making it a great choice to fend off and prevent illness.

  • Ginger

Ginger is notorious for helping with nausea, which is why so many people reach for a can of ginger ale when they’re feeling a stomach-ache. Did you know that it can also help with inflammation? Ginger is a great option if you’re dealing with stomach or throat issues, as it curbs nausea and decreases inflammation which results in less symptoms.

Eating Healthy Pays Off!

There are so many foods out there that work to boost your immune system and they’re all fresh foods. Eating healthy is one of the best things that you can do for yourself this cold and flu season because all of the fruits and vegetables out there work hard to help your body fight off infections. What you put in your body is so important, especially with all of the illnesses running rampant out there.

Eat smart, wash your hands, and mask up! Stay safe and healthy.