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5 Tips for a Safe Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the most popular times of the year, but it can always be one of the most dangerous! With crowds running full speed to the hottest deals and flu season running amuck, it’s important to know how to keep yourself safe during this holiday season.

  1. Shop Online Whenever Possible

Did you know that most retailers have online stores that carry the same inventory as they do in stores? Most of them also have the same deals available for Black Friday, or they offer Cyber Monday deals instead!

Shopping online is a great way to stay out of the crowds and keep yourself safe. As you’re not around others, you’re not exposed to any of the dangers of in-person shopping. Shop in your pajamas from the comfort of your home with a hot chocolate or eggnog in hand. It doesn’t get better than that!

  1. Wear a Mask

While the COVID-19 pandemic has been here to stay throughout all of the seasons, the colder weather brings in even more illnesses. With large crowds, the risk of infection rises, and the odds of you getting sick are pretty high.

Wearing a face mask is a great way to minimize the risk. Ensure that your mask is clean and is fitted properly so that it is covering both your nose and mouth fully. With the holidays coming up, this isn’t the time of the year that you want to get sick!

  1. Utilize Curbside Pickup

Many stores offer curbside pickup, which is a great way to get out of the house while also avoiding the masses.

Most of the stores that offer curbside also have Black Friday sales that start earlier than actual Black Friday. Grab your jacket, load up the kids, and pick up your sale items in a safe way!


  1. Sanitize and Wash your Hands Frequently

With Black Friday comes tons of germs. People are constantly picking things up, checking the price tag, and then putting them back down again. This is a recipe for germ spread!


If you decide to go out for Black Friday, make sure that you bring a bottle of hand sanitizer with you. You should be sanitizing your hands before you enter the store and after you leave. Be sure to avoid touching your face while in the store, as this spreads germs to sensitive areas like your mouth, nose, and eyes!

  1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Black Friday is notorious for attracting huge crowds that sprint to the best deals, even if these deals aren’t much of a deal. You must be aware of your surroundings while Black Friday shopping and weigh risks.

If a store is packed to the brim and you walk in and see fighting and huge crowds, is it worth a T.V. that’s only discounted $50? Can you find the same T.V. online? The most important thing is your safety. You need to be able to assess risks and be aware of your surroundings at all times while Black Friday shopping. If you find yourself in an unsafe situation, leave. Huge rowdy crowds are not worth it, no matter how discounted the items are!

Be Safe this Black Friday!

The easiest way to be safe this Black Friday is to shop from home and take advantage of online Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals. The pandemic has brought great alternatives like curbside pick up as well, which is another great way to shop while avoiding crowds. If you have to go into the store, be sure to mask up, sanitize whenever possible, and be constantly aware of your surroundings. Your safety is most important and a trip to the hospital will cost more than what you would’ve saved on that discounted T.V.!